
Provade att googla mitt namn, blev väldigt uppskrämd av ett av resultaten:

October 2006

Oscar Fager

I am a 2 year old Bengal who lives with my Mom Jan and Dad Mike. I live in the country and really want to explore on my own, but my Mom and Dad know I'm safer being tied outside while they are home. Mom learned the hard way by letting me out on my own and I stayed out til after bedtime! Some other tomcat found me, bit me on the butt, and chased me home. Dad chased him off, butt I ended up with an abscess. Dr. Kirk was very good to me and helped me get better. I still want out on my own but Mom keeps me close for my own safety! I really like to chase anything on a string that swishes back and forth really fast. Mom and I play tag; she'll tickle me and run. Then I'll chase her, catch her leg, and run like crazy. My name Oskar is Swedish for leaping warrior. Mom, who is part Swedish, saw how high I liked to jump, then named me Oskar! I am a brown marbled tabby Bengal. My ancestors are the Asian Leopard Cat and Domestic Tabby Cat. I like to take walks on the leash and ride in the car on Mom's lap. I drink water from the tap, while it is running. Mom tells me my coat feels different than a house cat's coat. She says she's read it feels like a beaver pelt.

Well, I gotta go. My two speeds are stop and roar, and I've stopped long enough to tell this story.

Som jag sa, läskigt!